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Tamara's Blog

  • Writer's pictureTamara Dodgson

5 Brilliant Ways Self-Help Can Help You

Let's face it, there's nothing worse than being in pain.

The longer it goes on, the worse the pain seems to get, and unfortunately for us, without the help of Self-Help, that's usually where our cognitive function seems to go out the window.

Experiencing emotional pain for an extended period of time often leads to an incredible amount of emotional turmoil. Our stress levels continually rise; conflict typically increases, and our sense of self-worth can often become muted at best, if not completely obliterated.

It’s very common to feel lost and overwhelmed when we are struggling in some area of our life. Those moments of anguish and confusion can create so much tension and drama; our critical thinking will often become inhibited, communications can frequently break down and all this can cause our intimate relationships to become strained and overburdened.

In addition to the myriad of challenges we all face in our everyday lives and relationships, many of us are also carrying emotional baggage from the past. This can impact our ability to see things clearly, to rationalize and to find healthy ways to deal with our stress. There may be times we even begin questioning our own judgement and we often don’t know where to turn for support.

Enter the Self-Help Industry.

My own self-help journey began many, many years ago, when I originally began to find myself struggling in my marriage. I had already found "The Oprah Winfrey Show" on television and had been watching sporadically for several seasons by the time I came across Dr. Phil McGraw.

Oprah had been featuring Dr. Phil on some of her episodes, and I really liked the no-nonsense way he seemed to approach the different issues they had been covering at the time. I had also come to know, like and trust Oprah, because she seemed to me to be a very authentic and caring person. If she trusted Dr. Phil to know his business, I guess it only seemed logical for me to trust him as well.

That's where my journey into the Self-Help realm really got started. I ended up purchasing a couple of Dr. Phil's books and eventually, many, many other books by various experts in the field. I began to learn a LOT about myself, and I haven't really ever looked back since. It's been a very, very long time since then, and boy have I done my research in the area of Self-Help and Personal Growth!

It actually took me years to figure out why I was in so much pain back when I started my self-help journey. I had so much to learn about people, about myself and about the world. I had to learn that we all have the same needs we are trying to meet, that we are all in need of understanding and compassion, and that we can’t help people as long as we are judging them.

Self-help has literally done so much for my self-esteem and for my life in general. It has given me the ability to develop broader and healthier perspectives, to understand myself and others better, to bounce back faster and more effectively from set-backs and to also help other people who are struggling with different aspects of their lives.

Here are Five Brilliant Ways That Self-Help Can Help You:

  1. It reminds you that you are in control. The label is what initially compelled me to study the field of Self-Help. I was drawn to the notion that I could choose to help myself. Over the years, as I've faced many challenges, opportunities and setbacks, I have found that I am able to navigate them with much more certainty and objectiveness because of the things I have learned. Any time I find myself feeling frustrated, I know that all I have to do is turn to self-help. Listening to my mentors helps me to remember that I get to choose where I am going. It reminds me that at any given point in time, I get to choose the story I am telling myself and others about my life; I get to choose what I am focused on and in turn, I get to choose my emotional state. It lets me know that I have the ability to take control over my body, my thoughts, my language, my attitude and ultimately my life.

  2. It reminds you that you can change absolutely anything with the right perspective. One of the reasons I love listening to positive people is that it reminds me that there is always a way to spin something in a positive and more empowering way. Learning this has literally changed my life. It is a very powerful thing to know that you don't have to be owned by anything negative that you experience in your life. Being able to see something in a new way gives us the opportunity to take back our power, shift our views and take action from a place of confidence and self-worth.

  3. It gives you new insight. I have literally learned so much through reading self-help books and listening to positive, self-help mentors. Each time I learn a new nugget of wisdom I get to add it to my personal arsenal of tools I can use to help myself and other people. And the best part is, once you learn something new that can help yourself and others, no one can take it away from you ever again. Each new idea, each new tool or strategy or way of thinking that you achieve goes with you for the rest of your life, and you can use it again and again, in different situations at different times and in different stages of your life.

  4. There is always something available for every single issue you might have. After studying and practising self-help and personal growth for as many decades as I have, I've learned that there is quite literally nothing that can't be improved, accomplished or addressed with self-help. While there may be times when you have an experience in your life that you can't change, there is always something you can do about the way that you deal with it or perceive it. One of the many benefits of the world-wide web is that it now gives us instant access to millions of resources at the touch of a button. After all this time, it's still amazing to me how easy it is to find information online.

  5. It helps you to understand and empathize with others on a much deeper level. I can't begin to tell you how much I've learned about what it is that drives human behaviour. I've learned that we are all connected by the same source and that each of us is doing the best that we can with what we have available to us in the moment. I've learned that we can't help people as long as we are judging them; that we need to learn to become curious about them if we want to help them, and that we are all capable of creating massive positive lasting change in our lives.

Looking back now, I think I would have done just about anything to find a resolution to the problems I had in my marriage all those years ago. Unfortunately for my family, the information and the resources I really needed at the time ended up coming a bit too late. The good news for you, if you're reading this and you find yourself struggling like I was, chances are it's not too late for you to learn the things I only wish I had known back then.

Regardless of your situation, there really are logical reasons why we all do the things that we do. The same forces that drive you are also driving the people that you love. When you are not aware of what those driving forces are, however, and you find yourself in conflict with yourself or other people, you become frustrated and often end up feeling hopeless about your own situation. It’s important for you to know that this doesn't always have to be the case.

While it is true that self-help can provide you with a wonderful wealth of information that can literally transform your life and relationships, it isn’t always necessary to go it alone. As you can see from my experience, it can take a considerable amount of time to find exactly what you need at the time that you actually need it most. In addition to that, when you have a family, career, housework and social responsibilities, it really can be challenging to find the time to go searching for the right kind of help.

I’ve spent many thousands of hours researching self-help and personal growth over the years, and I was fortunate enough to find a solution so effective that it has enabled me to help clients overcome all kinds of personal challenges in a very short amount of time.

It’s still amazing to me how much my perspective on so many things has changed. I actually used to believe that it was impossible to change certain aspects of your personality. I didn’t know you could transform anything in your life by learning how to change your story, and I had no idea that one day I would be in a position to help people solve their problems and ultimately change their lives. (If you'd like to learn more, click here.)

Whatever path you choose to take, you need to remember that self-help is always available. And who knows? You might just find a few brilliant ways self-help can help you!


What's the biggest challenge you are facing in your life right now? How is that impacting you and what would it mean for you if you could overcome it? I can show you how to overcome this and any other kind of challenge quickly and easily. I can teach you how to solve complex problems with simple solutions, so you can get the results you want while saving you time, money and pain. Would that be something you would be interested in?

Contact me to find out how you can receive a one hour Complimentary Coaching Consultation Session. This free session can help you get clear about what has been holding you back, and give you the opportunity to create a powerful strategic action plan to help you achieve your goals! Click on the link below or call (709) 743-6426 to schedule your free Consultation Session today!

Chat. Feel Better. Repeat.


About the author

Tamara Dodgson is a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach and owner with Forward Coaching and Consulting Services. Utilizing the most powerful principles and strategies from master Strategic Interventionists, Tamara offers a sound, knowledgeable and dependable methodology for change. She has successfully helped her clients navigate through hundreds of unique and challenging life situations, often involving complex issues such as addictions, divorce, and criminal proceedings. Tamara empowers her clients by helping them identify what they want, teaching them successful and proven strategies for change and providing them with measurable and lasting results. You can connect with her on Facebook at Forward Coaching & Consulting Services, on LinkedIn at Tamara Dodgson, or on her website at


I’ve used Strategic Intervention Coaching to help people ( just like you) to:

  • Stop self-destructive habitual behaviours that were costing them time, money, their self-esteem and even their health;

  • Save a marriage to someone who was actually a perfect match for them; someone who would prove to love them unconditionally and would ultimately become their greatest support system;

  • Change an outdated belief system that had been critically impacting their mental and emotional health for most of their life;

  • Discover and unleash a massive personal power within them, that not only helped them to achieve greater results but more importantly to create a life that they love;

  • Gain the clarity, stability and perspective they needed to navigate an overwhelming traumatic experience that nearly cost them their life!


If you want to see what some of my clients are saying about their achievements, you can check it out here.


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